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Matthew Deaner heads up the peak body of Australia’s massive screen industry – an industry that is also booming on the Gold Coast and a key pillar of the economy.

He is also an Ambassador for Experience Gold Coast and recognises the strengths of the city as a place for meetings.

A creative being in his own right, and a lawyer and policy advocate – Deaner has an extraordinary and charismatic capacity to create support and momentum for what he believes in and is committed to.

And that is Australia’s screen industry. The people who put their heart and soul into telling stories and bringing people together through great content.

Articulate, educated, widely respected, Matthew Deaner has been heading the peak body for content producers for over a decade. Prior to that he worked in Research and Strategy for Screen Australia. There is no doubt that the creative industries swirl inside him – they are part of his DNA.

One of the requirements of his leadership role is to advocate for the members of his important association tackling the issues that are threaten the industry. He’s its number one custodian and champion.

Spend some time with him and you see quickly why he has been so effective in his role.

Bringing people together

He has an extraordinary capacity to articulate why the screen industry matters – it’s his job to lead the advocacy and storytelling about the industry. To bring people together and to make things happen for the good of the whole industry.

Those messages are taken around the country as he promotes the Australia’s screen industry to governments, investors, partners and to his own community of members.

Among the goals, are to create new markets for Australian content – and to also ensure Government policies create the environment in which screen content can be made, made well, and distributed widely – with the interests of Australian makers at the core.

In his world a lot has changed over the past decade. The industry has seen a whole new landscape emerge and the power shift – just look at the impact of Netflix and other streaming services on traditional distributors and producers.

Screen Producers Australia represents the wide range of individuals and communities involved in bringing content to audiences – and that content includes everything from small independent productions, to games, to television and streaming shows as well as major cinema productions.

A sense of purpose

Deaner says he’s optimistic, joyful, passionate by nature and also about the industry he leads – and the Gold Coast as a place for it to gather. He loves what he does and the impact he can make.

“The screen industry provides a really powerful, effective, often highly commercial way to get stories told and then out and into people’s lives.”

“And what I found in doing what I'm doing now – bringing people and businesses together to build and change our industry - and juggling everything associated with that to make it happen - complex policy debates, negotiations with industry stakeholders, putting on creative and well run events – it adds up to a really happy balance of creative, leadership and technical work. 

“I’m working closely with people that are putting their hearts and souls out on the line every day to communicate and tell their or interpret other people's stories. I'm able to be a supporter, a developer, a driver, and an “umbrella protector” of these creative and talented people. 

“That's given me a really great sense of purpose.”

Experience Gold Coast is honoured that he has joined the team of Business Events Ambassadors.